Monday, May 26, 2008

Summer reunion!!

Sounds like a great idea. I know that it would be very hard for our family to take a trip somewhere for a weekend, though not impossible. I could always go by myself. Since so many of us are located in the DC/Baltimore area (or work there on occaision like Alex), perhaps we can meet in either city for the day. I have a deck, grill, and backyard; so you are welcome to come to Rockville, MD.


Adam Froman said...

Wow, I just found this site... I have so many memories from my childhood at bronco junction. If anyone remembers me please feel free to msg or contact me back... would love to catch up.

Unknown said...

Today is March 27, 2017. I found this site eight years after the most recent posting. My name is Bela K. Berty. I served as a Cabin Counselor and as the Campcraft Counselor one summer when I had no car. I do not remember the year exactly; however, it could have been 1980 or 1981 or 1982. Moreover, I remember that John France was the Camp Director. Our allergy physician was Dr. Chandra M. Kumar. One day this doctor's son was taunted by some campers regarding his topknot; I counselled him by asking him if those comments affected his distant future. After a little pondering, he continued to play joyfully. One weekend, I had invited a blind musician to sing and to play his guitar at the campfire. That night we enjoyed a pizza baked in a reflector oven set up next to the fire. The next morning, the musician baked biscuits in that reflector oven and cooked gravy over the fire. I remember we built a "buffalo boat" with twigs laid in the shape of a giant donut, seized to be stiff, and wrapped in a large tarp. The first version sank quickly. The second attempt was with stronger and greener sticks, seized and laced with vigor, then wrapped in the large tarp. This model took two of us to the islet to spend a night. That tiny waterway we called the creek is labelled on the maps (I discovered today) as Buck Lick Right Fork of 18-Mile Creek of Gr. Kan. River.